Thursday, January 9, 2014

akama mikiiiiiii

So prettyyyyyyyyy!!!!! :) 

hahaha everyone's discussing her r/s with a guy 12 years older than her and i am gushing about how pretty she is.


cyn said...

im gonna bet the guy just wants her virginity. or he's a pedophile. or both. come on, she's what, 12?! not even of legal age to drink or smoke or have sex or get married. kinda feel sorry for her.. she's being used/played. she's pretty alright. just not so smart.. or just not grown up enough to know what she wants.

im now 24 and i think back to when i was 12. it's like woahhh holy schmokes.. so much difference between how i think/act then and now. ok maybe the act part remains the same. but sure i think very differently about many things now than 12 years ago....

my bet is that she's gonna smack her own head when she's 24 and thinking back to her days of 2014..

cyn said...

PS. it's not about the age difference (sure 12yrs is a lot but i've no issue with that). the issue i have with is her age.. too young! if she's 24 dating a 36 year old, or if she's 36 dating a 24 year old, that's all fine and dandy. she probably can think for herself by then. but at 12, no way. that's like primary 6 man. *incredulous*